Hi All. There is some news that I want to give you about Basement Blessings of Columbus.
First, I want to thank all the amazing people who have come alongside me in the past 18 months. This has been some more amazing journey. Basement Blessings started as an "Isaiah 58 call" to get outside myself and start looking for ways to bless others.
My daughter and I chose Burger King on US 23 in Lewis Center as our mission field. She would play and I would work the room trying to show the tired and weary moms that someone cared. My intro to these ladies was always "I really like your shoes" or "I really like your hair". That is where this whole thing began.
The initial donation of 2 bags of clothes came from my soul sister Cheryl Langan from Cleveland. That small donation was the birth of Basements Blessings of Columbus (BBC).
BBC grew to fill up my garage, then way out of my garage and into my friend Kelly's basement. Before long we ended up in the back of CenterPoint Church in Lewis Center.
So why the weird post and the sign saying "FOR SALE "hanging out in my yard?
Well, the Smith family is moving to Springfield, MO. What does that mean for Basement Blessings of Columbus?
We will be running day to day operations as usual but working towards much more efficiency. We still have the same cast of characters that I love so dearly and are looking for more volunteers. Rich Kruse will be our new Executive Director and we will be working together over the next 2 months on a smooth transition that we will, without a doubt, accomplish. In order to grow and be able to serve more people, we have to have people who are experts at managing complex operations. Rich is definitely an expert and no doubt has been called to this position or he would be running from this like his hair is on fire.
I’ll continue to serve as National Chairman of the Board of Directors and work to start Basement Blessings of Springfield. We already have another Warrior committed to opening a Tampa, FL operation and hope to build a model here that other cities can follow.
Over the next 30 days I am going to be meeting and running and doing anything possible to find more volunteers to grow this organization. I will speak at your church, civic organization or kitchen table about serving the community and the power it has to turn our "darkness into noonday". Any group, anywhere and anytime about being "All in to Serve: Unlocking God's Blessings to the World"
At the very beginning, God told me that I had to be willing to do the ridiculous to get the miraculous. We did and He has. Time and again.
Here is the deal my friends. I have 30 days to build and strengthen our team of Warriors that will continue to fight for our vision. We currently partner with over 25 charities, ministries and organizations that are on the front lines of fighting poverty, homelessness and human trafficking. The goal is to serve more.
I have walked into meetings that I never thought I should have been in and have received favor that was unimaginable. This is the cool thing about God. He goes before you and prepares hearts. He opens doors no man can close. He has and will continue to do so.
I pray that my Warriors in Basement Blessings Brigade of Columbus, whom I love so very much, will be warring to make this city a model for Springfield, Tampa and for the nation. A beacon of light and love in a world where darkness is the norm.
We can do BIG things, my Warriors. We have and we will continue. After all, this is not at all about us. It is all about them and about Him. There are people who need us, so get out your armor and suit up mighty warriors. There is a hurting and broken world in your very own backyard and they need the gift that is you!! Please consider giving your resources and be part of a radical group of people who are living life on the outside. We need an army of people who give of their time and talents in the service of others in need. The world will change, but first the change must happen inside of us. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the miracles that I have seen and the blessings you have allowed me to be a part of in this beautiful city. Columbus, OH, you truly are a city on a hill.. Keep on shining and keep on loving. It is what will not only heal our city, it will start a chain reaction that will heal our world.
Please send all names, phone numbers and contact info to our new Executive Director:
Richard F. Kruse
Managing Partner
Gryphon USA, Ltd
614.774.4118 Direct
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